
B. Sc. Physics Practicals

Syllabus - Punjab University

Helping Books

B.Sc. Practical Physics by C.L Arora

B.Sc. Practical Physics by Harnam Singh

Laboratory Projects in Physics - PDF Format [wait for downloading time]

YouTube Demonstrations

B.Sc Physics - Practical experiment circuits

Physics Experiments - Animation

Surface Tension - YouTube

Young Modulus - Non-Uniform Bending

Youngs Modulus - Uniform Bending

Travelling Microscope - about its different parts

Refractive Index of Glass Slab - Using a Travelling Microscope

CRO Cathode ray oscilloscope - Pushpendra Jangid

Oscilloscope Tutorial - IIT Kharagpur - Part 1 of 2

Basics of Lissajous Patterns - on an Oscilloscope

B-H Curve - physicsksit's channel

B-H Curve - Uniwip Tutorials